Así se ven las modelos fitness cuando no posan

Las principales embajadoras de la vida fitness muestran como luce su cuerpo atlético, cuando no están posando para una foto.

Redacción Entretenimiento
30 de enero de 2017 - 03:35 p. m.
Foto tomada de @annavictoria
Foto tomada de @annavictoria

 Anna Victoria, foodiegirlfitness y jenwiderstrom fueron algunas de las modelos fitness que decidieron atreverse a mostrar su cuerpo en posiciones convencionales que suelen sacar un poco de “pancita”.  El fin del reto era mostrar cómo incluso a las embajadoras de la vida sana les ocurre a cualquiera en una posición cotidiana como sentarse.

La diferencia entre las fotos es asombrosa,  pues la posición sí lo cambia todo. De acuerdo con la descripción de la foto, se trata de resaltar la naturalidad de cada cuerpo incluso cuando no nos gusta.


Just a lounging selfie no makeup or hair done, not posing (and no sticking out either). I'm not sharing this because I think I look bad, or because tummy rolls are bad, or because cellulite, messy hair or no makeup is bad. None of those things are bad or imperfect. They are NORMAL. - I'm sharing this because I just received an email from a 16 year old girl that said I am the only person she follows that actually made her feel good about herself. That even though she's not particularly unhappy with her body, that seeing endless perfect photos started to make herself compare, poke and prod at her own body. The impact social media has on young girls and their self-esteem is an issue I feel very strongly about and if me posting one casual, non-posing, non-done up photo can help a young girl (or man, or anyone of any age!) feel better about themselves, then I'm happy to put myself out there. - Some will look at this and say "what's the big deal?" If it doesn't resonate with you, that's ok. I just ask that you think of those who it does help before firing off with negativity because you don't "get" it. So when we live in a society that profits from your insecurities, be a rebel and LOVE yourself. Love your body at every angle and don't ever be ashamed of being human, of struggling, or hey, even of loving the crap out of yourself!! We need more girls who are wildly confident and loving every bit of themselves and shouting it from the rooftops. Show young girls it's not only okay but necessary to be confident, strong young women, "flaws" and all. #fbggirls

Una foto publicada por Snapchat: AnnaVictoriaFit (@annavictoria) el

Estas embajadoras dan un ejemplo de seguridad y amor propio por el cuerpo que tienen todas las mujeres, que a veces no aprecian su figura.

Una foto publicada por jenwiderstrom (@jenwiderstrom) el

Una foto publicada por Ashlie Molstad ashlie.molstad (@foodiegirlfitness) el


Por Redacción Entretenimiento


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