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El lío de tierras que enreda a una familia que dice ser víctima de las Farc

Dentro del caso 01 de la JEP, donde se investigan los hechos de secuestro cometidos por la extinta guerrilla de las Farc, una familia asegura que una finca les fue despojada por intervención del disidente de las Farc “John 40″. Ahora son señalados de relacionarse con grupos paramilitares de Villavicencio.

Felipe Morales Sierra y Daniel Osorio Posada
17 de septiembre de 2022 - 02:00 a. m.
In this Jan. 3, 2016 photo, members of the 36th Front of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia or FARC, trek to their hidden camp in Antioquia state, in the northwest Andes of Colombia. Now peace is within reach as talks between the guerrillas and the government near conclusion in Cuba, and for the first time the rebels are thinking about a future outside this jungle hideout. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
In this Jan. 3, 2016 photo, members of the 36th Front of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia or FARC, trek to their hidden camp in Antioquia state, in the northwest Andes of Colombia. Now peace is within reach as talks between the guerrillas and the government near conclusion in Cuba, and for the first time the rebels are thinking about a future outside this jungle hideout. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
Foto: AP - Rodrigo Abd

Por Daniel Osorio Posada

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